UPDATES 2/5/2025
JHS Winter Sports Update - Follow arbiterlive.com for current schedule.
Feb 2/6, 1st KingCo game @ North Creek, 7pm
Feb 2/8 or Feb 2/11 for 2nd KingCo game
Feb 2/6, KingCo game vs Skyline @ Bothell, 5:30pm
Feb 2/8 or Feb 2/11 for 2nd KingCo game
Feb 8th, District (KingCo) Championships @ Lake Washington HS
Feb 21/22 - WIAA State Meet @ Sammamish HS
Feb 7/8, KingCo Championships @ Juanita HS
Feb-15, Women's SeaKing Championships @ Chief Sealth HS
Feb 21/22, WIAA Mat Classic in Tacoma Dome
Men’s Swim/Dive:
Feb 7/8, KingCo Championships @ Hazen Pool
Feb 14/15, District Championships
Feb-20-22, WIAA State Championships @ KCAC
5th place at State
Competing at Nationals in Orlando this weekend
Winter Sports Team coffee competition!
Please tell your teams! Starting Monday, February 2nd through Friday, February 7th, The Coffee Stand, located at 13510 100th Ave NE, is hosting a drink competition between winter sport teams. Whoever orders the most drinks will win the competition (one point per person per drink)! The winning winter sport team will win $50 for their team and The Coffee Stand will come to JHS and host an Italian Soda bar just for that team! Anyone (teacher, grandparent, neighbor, etc.) can order a drink and mention what team they wish to support!
The teams are:
Flag Football
Men's Basketball
Women's Basketball
Men's Swim & Dive
Winter Team Desserts - Booster Club is attending winter sport team dinners and brining cupcakes. We are enjoying getting to see all the teams in person and let them know that we think they are fabulous.
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2024-2025 Silent Auction & Fundraiser that was held on 1/11/25 was a success! We raised a total of $8,435 during the event. If you wish to know any details, please send me an email President@juanitahsbc.com. Big thank you to La Corona for hosting, The Coffee Stand, Gourmet Latte, Pizza Bank, and Cafe Veloce, as well as all the businesses and YOU, for the generous donations!
JHS Swag raffles - The Booster Club has been attending JHS sporting events and hosting free JHS swag raffles. Our goal is to show our JHS fans our appreciation for supporting our community, and to get more JHS swag on our community 🙂. Please reach out to us if you have an event we can attend. Also, thank you to the teams who have donated swag. We are starting to run low on swag and are asking if teams have more to donate? If so, please reach out to VP@juanitahsbc.com
Athletes committed to play at the next level? If there is an athlete on your team that plans to continue competing at the next level, please send us their name and the name of the college/university. JHS Signing Day is Thursday, June 5, 2025, 3:45pm in JHS Courtyard.
Let us brag about you! Please tag us on your social media post so we can reshare. Also, we have a new JHS Booster Blog that we can share short but fun stories of our community. Please send photos and a couple sentences to blog@juanitahsbc.com
OPEN Booster Board positions - For the 2025-2026 year, we need a new Treasurer and Chedder Up Coordinator. If you are interested, please let us know so you have time to learn the ropes with the current board members. This is an amazing group to work with and we are doing amazing things - please join!
Next JHS Booster meeting is Monday, 3/24, 7pm, Commons. Both Coaches and team representative, please join us.
Lastly, encourage everyone to join the Booster Club. We can't do the events above and others without your support (even if it is just your membership dues)!
March Board meeting, Monday, 3/24, 6pm-7pm
March General meeting, Monday, 3/24, 7pm-8pm
May 21st - Rising Ravens
June Board meeting, Monday, 6/2, 6pm-7pm
June General meeting, Monday, 6/2, 7pm-7:30pm
Senior Scholarships, Monday, 6/2, 7:30pm
June - Signing Day Event, Thursday, 6/5, 3:45pm-4:30pm (outside if weather is nice)​
We now have 3 options for purchasing tickets
Digital Ticketing Option - jhs.lwsd.org/athletics/tickets - we added this option 2 years ago and it has helped many families bypass the lines
We also have our Flight Pass that saves on fees by purchasing 10 tickets at one time.
Cash Option - allows users to skip the fees from Hometown Ticketing, but lines could be a bit longer
Adults $9
Students $5
JHS Students with ASB card - FREE
Point-of-Sale Option - Allows users to pay with a credit/debit card at the gate (fees are the same as digital tickets)
An additional note regarding tickets - the KingCo Conference has increased the adult ticket price from $7 to $9 (student tickets are still $5) to help offset rising costs. Other leagues raised prices last year (as did SeaKing and WIAA) and we could hold back no longer. It is important to note that the gate fees are turned around to pay for officials, event staff, equipment, etc. and even then, don't cover but a small fraction of the cost to run an athletics program.
One final note - as always, be kind to folks that are working our athletic events. Whether it be ticket staff, concessions, officials, announcers/scorers, medical staff, etc., these folks are essential to hosting athletics events here at our school.
A "thank you" goes a long way.
Go Ravens!
Always Grateful,
Coach Jason Thurston, C.M.A.A.
Juanita High School Athletics Staff
Jason Thurston - Athletic Director
​Kayla Cunningham - Athletic Trainer
Alec Hinn - Stadium & Gym Manager
Kris Blanch - Athletic Secretary